Although it is true that it is very rare to be attacked by wild animals, on the other hand, one is never completely sure what the destination is going to bring, especially when you are on vacation in direct contact with nature. For this reason, it is good to know some techniques that can save our lives in dangerous situations. See how useful these 8 tips can be to survive a wild animal attack.
How to Survive a kangaroo Attack?
Although kangaroos are not usually dangerous, it is possible that in certain situations they feel threatened and try to attack by kicking with their powerful legs. Therefore, it is best to stay away from their territory. But, if one is already confronted with one of these marsupials, a good technique is to cough, since it will consider a sign of illness and will probably leave without attacking.
How to Survive a Lions Attack?
In the case of lions, it is best to maintain eye contact and try to look bigger by raising your arms. Speaking loudly and confidently is also helpful in preventing a lion from attacking because you stop being the victim and the cat tries to get away.
How to Survive an Elephant’s Attack?
Elephants are highly intelligent animals that tend to be peaceful and establish good relationships with humans, but can sometimes become aggressive, especially when they are mothers with their young. The sign of this state lies in the curved trunk and the ears open back. In these cases, it is not advisable to run, but to find something that stands between you and the animal, such as a rock or a tree.
How to Survive a Bears Attack?
With bears it is better to avoid an encounter by using a bell or some noise generator to scare them away, but if a bear cub still appears, try to get away as soon as possible because the mothers become very aggressive trying to protect their cubs .
Already in the event that we are in front of a wild bear, it is recommended to play dead, that is, throw yourself on the ground rolled up, protect your neck with your hands and wait there until the animal leaves. It is very important to be sure that it has already left, because sometimes they stay a long time waiting. Oh yes, they are smarter animals than Yogi would have us believe.
How to Survive a Wolf Attack?
If you are unlucky enough to run into a wolf, avoid eye contact, as for these canids it is a sign of aggression and the attack response will be immediate. On the other hand, keep in mind that these are herd animals, in which the laws of the hierarchy have a lot of weight. Drop your body and lower your head in submission.
How to Survive a sharks Attack?
It is better for us to avoid places where sharks lurk, but if we are in the sea and one of these aquatic mammals takes us by surprise, we must remain calm, difficult as this may be. Movement attracts them, so it’s best not to jerk and stay upright.
Sharks often investigate unfamiliar objects, so stay calm as their snouts brush you. If it attacks you, defend yourself by hitting it in the eyes and gills, which are its sensitive spots.
How to Survive an elk or deer Attack?
Elk or deer only attack humans when they are cornered or threatened in some way, mothers can also react in defense of their young. If this is the case, never turn your back on them, as these animals attack from behind.
In front of the animal raise your arms and jacket, to look bigger and look like a good opponent. However, if he knocks you down, curl up into a fetal position and protect yourself with your arms. Most likely, it will hit you a few times and walk away. If there is a tree nearby, climb up immediately. Remember that these animals have strong antlers and you can get hurt.
These tips may save your life if you ever have the misfortune to stumble upon a wild animal in the woods